Tips for Handling Anxiety During Coronavirus

Mom Crew caught up with Olivia Bergeron, LCSW and founder of Mommy Groove Therapy & Parent Coaching, who shared some tips for handling anxiety during the Coronavirus pandemic.


We are living through unprecedented times. It’s easy to feel scared and lost in the face of the onslaught of the news. And yet our families look to us for comfort. So how can you maintain your equilibrium when you’re marooned at home, bombarded by worrisome news, and not able to pull off your usual self-care routine? Here are a few simple ideas to help:

  • Sleep. A lack of sleep makes everything harder. Just as you put in place a nighttime routine for your kiddo to wind them down, do the same for yourself. Indulge in a nightly hot shower, some non-screen reading, and a cup of tea. Then take a moment to “download” your thoughts, to-do lists and concerns onto some paper, and remind yourself that you cannot tackle these now. Tomorrow is another day.

  • Exercise. Physical exercise is a proven stress reducer. Even with the gym off limits, you can still get your heart pumping. Hold a family dance party. Go for a run. Use YouTube exercise videos. Get moving!

  • Stay present. When you find yourself ruminating about a gloomy future, take a few minutes to come back to the present. Talk aloud to your kids (or yourself!) as you run through your senses and invite them to do the same. What do I see? Smell? Hear? Touch? It’s a quick way to come back to the here and now.

  • Media blackout. Scan the headlines once a day, if that. Hearing a constant barrage of breathless news coverage can really fire up anxiety. For now, consider avoiding it.

  • Connect to your loved ones. Take a moment to check in with your partner every day. Look each other in the eyes. Find out what’s on your minds. Reach out to extended family and friends. Remind yourself that you’re not alone facing these challenges. We’re all in this together.

  • Gratitude. Find the silver linings. Hopefully you’re getting to spend time with family, tackle projects, nest and cook. How do you want to look back on this moment? What do you want to have accomplished? Now’s the time to get started!

If you’re finding it tough to manage on your own and your worry or anxiety are taking over, don’t hesitate to reach out for help – there is no need to go it alone. I’m available for support and am happy to offer the Mom Crew community a free phone consultation and $50 off your initial session fee for psychotherapy and/or parent coaching. You can email me, call me at 917-747-7017, or contact me through my website.


Olivia Bergeron, LCSW, founded Mommy Groove Therapy & Parent Coaching to offer counseling, classes, and help to New York City parents and is now pleased to offer parenting coaching to families around the country. Whether you are trying to get pregnant, are expecting, have a new baby or older children, Mommy Groove is here for you. Olivia believes that healthy moms and dads lead to healthy families. When you find your parenting groove, the whole family flourishes.