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Babies’ Expanding World: Benefits and Potential Hazards

  • Virtual – Zoom (map)

Mom Crew is partnering with NYU’s BabyChildTeen research cohort of accomplished PhDs and professors on an ongoing Lunch and Learn series. In January 2022, Dr. Karen Adolph will lead a talk and Q&A on exploration and safety among babies & toddlers.

This virtual workshop will describe how infants’ expanding environment presents babies with new opportunities for learning and simultaneously introduces potential hazards. Each new motor skill expands infants’ world with new things to see, new objects to touch, and new places to go. Stairs, windows, bannisters, containers, and small objects offer rich and beneficial opportunities for climbing, viewing, support, and manipulation. But at the same time, such features of the environment create risks of falling, entrapment, poisoning, and choking. Likewise, learning to crawl and to walk exposes infants to soil and dust (via ingestion and inhalation) that have protective qualities for allergies and respiratory illnesses, but can also expose exploring babies to potentially harmful toxicants. We will discuss how parents can promote learning while simultaneously keeping their children safe.

Tickets are only $15 and will be available until 1 hour before the event. The Zoom will be recorded and sent to everyone who purchases a ticket in advance, case you miss the live event or would like to review the content again later.

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About Dr. Karen Adolph, Infant Action Lab

Karen Adolph is the Julius Silver Professor of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Applied Psychology at New York University and a world-renowned expert on infant motor development. She uses observable motor behaviors to study developmental processes in infants and children. She is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the Association for Psychological Science and Past-President of the International Congress on Infant Studies. She has received numerous awards, including the American Psychological Foundation Fantz Memorial and American Psychological Association Boyd McCandless awards. She chaired the NIH MFSR study section and currently serves on boards of the McDonnell Foundation, Developmental Psychobiology, and Motor Learning and Development. She has published 170+ articles and chapters. Her research has been continually funded by NIH/NSF since 1991. Most recently, she was featured as an expert on infant crawling in Netflix's Babies docuseries.

Later Event: February 3
New Mom Virtual Happy Hour